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What do you think the future holds for america?
We have a future where the underground economy might end up being larger than the above ground one?
I see our potemkin economy teetering on the edge of a very steep cliff. My firm is hanging on by our fingernails and only still exists as a result of federal spending. Truthfully, I miss the old days when I had my own business and built our ship interiors with some buddies of mine for two firms in Miami and Portland Oregon. The hours were fucking brutal, but the pay was fat and the work rewarding.
Now, I see my town deteriorating slowly away as the people become poorer and poorer. Twenty years ago, this area was a solid middle class demographic with fantastic job opportunities. Now, we are a shadow of that town, with failing schools and a massive influx of people who should never have been given a home loan in the first place abandoning homes at a record pace.
The idiots in the MSM keep talking about some recovery or another, but it isn't happening here. Jobs are impossible to find, and with youth unemployment hovering around 25%, crime is on the rise. Domestic violence is spiking across the county and divorce rates are climbing.
No, I think this fucker is going to crash and burn, and the only advantage we will have is that we will have seen it coming a little sooner.