Thus, the boom actually created huge increases in the money supply. And I mean huge. But all this "fake" money went poof in the crash, almost instantly. We all feared hyperinflation from the Bernanke's printing - but it didn't happen, though there is some inflation (particularly in the things we need vs the ones we merely want). The reason is - get this -- all that printing has yet to make up for the loss of the fake, imaginary money created by various institutions during the boom!
Steven Douglas said:
So a massive influx of money into "the economy" (snicker - whose economy?) doesn't show up as inflation yet, because all it's really doing is filling the reserve vacuum created by all the money that went 'poof'. This only buys the banks time - the time it would never extend to those it wants/needs to foreclose on in a grab for liquidity.
This. I was about to write something along these lines in response, but you guys just expressed my exact thoughts. I would only add to these a fact, that since the banks are not lending to the general public at the moment, than all this shitload of freshly printed cash cannot be spend on consumption & increase inflation significantly YET, until they START lending it again. Just you wait...
Just assume.. no, take it as a lemma - they will do every foul thing to preserve the status quo, right up until we crash into the wall at full throttle, or the power is taken from them by the mass-protests, and new political leaders (today - in little significance) take the steering wheel. So, just take it for granted, and free your mind to some more productive things, than speculate "if" next QE is or is not in the cards. QE ad infinitum will be the order of the day if it gives even the slightest hope of normalizing the situation, even temporarily, the very same minute it is needed, and the public will know zip about it, officially. Additionally, things like wellbeing of the sheeple is not important, preventing the "system" from collapse is all that matters. Preserving people's buying power is completely unimportant, preserving people's living standards (well obviously, average incomes always lag behind the real inflation, and in fact, NEVER accomodate fully for it) is just something that will be laughed at, because it is not on their goals list/statuatory goals list, etc. Fairness of the system and measures taken to stabilize it... bwahaha... well, shall we just skip that part, and reinforce the initial message: they will do EVERYTHING, foul or not, to protect "the system". Rest is just noise, in their view. People losing jobs, houses, life they had planned ahead of them. Just noise and some unconvenient statistics. Luckily, statistics can be tuned up a little this way or that, to make us all feel happier.
Why banks do not care about customers anymore (savers - getting the cold shoulder, with all the new fees for everything, and earnig nothing on their money in the bank, borrowers - I mean the real meat ones, not some huge gamblers - they do not get approval for their loans applications). Because they are not important at the moment. Banks are getting all the money they need to stay solvant (just) freshly from the press, they make their safe (but cut-throat small) living from bonds, and deposits back at their respective central banks (yep, that is very funny, but true - they are getting their QE money, that they beg for, on near-zero rates, and they deposit it right back in the CBs, where this money has just came from, on some slightly higher interest, than their original ZIRPs). Anyone else still sees a need for a customers in this picture? I don't. The system is broken, and they are printing at speeds to reinflate it/keep it afloat, but the point is, IT IS NOT WORKING at the moment. Problem is, when we say
"they print" - it actually means that someone is
borrowing all that shit into existence. Total indebtness of the whole shit hole monkey circus is getting even deeper.
You cannot drink yourself sober, you cannot fill the hole with earth dug out from the same hole.
Thus the crash WILL come, probably in this current depression that we are in, because it is global, there is no knight on a white horse to come for the rescue, and once the shit starts spread further (as it slowly does) and poping up in "too big to bail" economies, the game of fiat money and QEs of all sorts will be up. Amen.
We'll have to "pull an Iceland" at some stage, all, that is inevitable, if we are ever to return to growth - banks bondholders would need to put some KY on their anuses, bend over, and just get through this. But they are squirming and trying everything else (do not blame them, I wouldn't like the abovementioned alternative either
), for as long as they can get away with it. IT means, in practice - for as long, as the conditions start to be unbearable for societies, and people start seriously FIGHTING them back. Iceland wasn't full of oh-so-foresighting politicians, men of principle - oh no, they were trying to spoon fed their society with the same medicine, as everywhere else. But it was icelandic people, who literally assaulted their parliament, and FORCED their hand to say "f you, mr.s bank bondholders, we are not paying the debts of the banks, that are not owned by us the people, and just happens to be operating here".
It really is the nature of the beast - these cancers on the society, (politicians), they try to get away with path of the least resistance, and God forbid of sacrificing anyone else of power, if they can get away with some lies, trickery and misery for the general public. Who cares, as long as THEIR arses are covered?