The Lunatic Fringe - Political Chat

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I'm starting to think that the lack of credible action from the Democrats to oppose Trumps obvious and strengthening run into November is an indication that there is another plan in motion. I've got the uneasy feeling it involves war. No wartime president has not been returned and Zelensky, operating from the current admins play book, suspended elections until the hostilities are over.

Not a prediction, but it does look like they will have to pull a major stroke to head T off.

On the flip side, they may just start a war, precipitate a crash and hand the whole shit fight to T in the belief that it will sink him.

By May is supposedly the desired time frame, watch the stocks that will benefit from such a scenario. Money moving will be the ultimate tell --> JMO etc.
Truckers are wanting to boycott NYC off the back of the Trump case outcome... I wonder if that idea will take? Imagine if it worked. I doubt it will become a thing but... LOL.
I'm starting to think that the lack of credible action from the Democrats to oppose Trumps obvious and strengthening run into November is an indication that there is another plan in motion. I've got the uneasy feeling it involves war. No wartime president has not been returned and Zelensky, operating from the current admins play book, suspended elections until the hostilities are over.

Not a prediction, but it does look like they will have to pull a major stroke to head T off.

On the flip side, they may just start a war, precipitate a crash and hand the whole shit fight to T in the belief that it will sink him.

By May is supposedly the desired time frame, watch the stocks that will benefit from such a scenario. Money moving will be the ultimate tell --> JMO etc.

Civil War 2.0...
Truckers are wanting to boycott NYC off the back of the Trump case outcome... I wonder if that idea will take? Imagine if it worked. I doubt it will become a thing but... LOL.
It was always obvious that the cities would be the worst place to live once TSHTF.
So I guess you heard about this 9/11 thing in the news? If you bought we never saw the plane coming all the way from Boston I'm guessing you are up on all your shots and still wear a mask in the park alone walking your dog.
So I guess you heard about this 9/11 thing in the news? If you bought we never saw the plane coming all the way from Boston I'm guessing you are up on all your shots and still wear a mask in the park alone walking your dog.

What, back when, or are we doing this again? I don't get all the US static down here.

Y2K is certainly when this stuff ticked up a gear.

About that time we developed the tech to mess with viruses. In the thousands of years up till then, there were 4 mild coronaviruses that annoyed humans. Then, SARS, MERS and SARS-CoV-2. So now in the following 25 years we have 7, 3 of which were deadly, amazing!

... and that steel turning to powder as it fell to earth.

Feels like summin big changed back then!

What that the real alien invasion? LMFAO!

Beam me up Scotty, this place is going critical.

Controlled demolition. Patriot Act. Alien invasion? Plenty of that. But they ain't green.
Not really, problems occur in a democracy when the money is controlled by the politicians.

I watched this clip and once I gave up trying to hear what Milei and Trump were saying to each other got to wondering why CPAC was playing The Village People's YMCA for the arena.

How To Properly Red Pill Someone​

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The Great Taking - Documentary​

David Webb exposes the system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone.
I hear that UN Troops are being amassed @ the Polish, Russian border. I'm not sure how true that one is?
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