new hope for precious metals

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Fly on the Wall
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came across this today and it has some amazing possibilities, would love to hear your thoughts on it.
Is this what we have waited for?
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First post and you're promoting a new product ..........

ah well you arent the first.

Its very early in the creation process and just an ICO at this stage.

I really want the precious metals to be unshackled from the paper control system thats holding it all back and can only hope that at some point something will.

Theres so much development around Blockchain technology, it really does seem to be a gamechanger.
If it can truly allow a free market in all commodities and make paper money redundant then we do have a brighter future.
I will watch with interest but am not sure I want to risk transfering my precious from reasonably well known and respected metal storers to three bright young hopefuls in the Emerald Isle ....... yet
Gold and silver are metals that can be completely owned since you do not have to pay taxes for your acquisition or possession.
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