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JD I sent that "insider trading" financial advice to all my male relatives already.

I am hereby starting the rumor. If we can get it to go viral, the whole world will change:

Elon is looking to acquire both YouTube and Facebook. He will add them to his sole control, and name it:

Do you have a vagina?

A woman home alone, answers a knock on the door to a man who just stood there and asked, "Do you have a vagina?"

She slams the door in disgust and tells her husband that night when he got home from work.

The next morning she answers a knock on the door. Its the same man and he asks the same question. "Do you have a vagina?"

Once again she slams the door.

She immediately gets on the phone and rings her husband at work.

He tells her he will take the day off tomorrow just in case the man shows up a third time.

The next morning they hear a knock at the door and both make for the door.

The husband whispers to his wife, "Honey, I’m going to hide behind the door and listen and if it is the same guy I want you to tell him yes to his question, because I want to a see where he's going with this."

She nods, a yes to her husband and opens the door.

Sure enough the same fellow is standing there. He asks, "Do you have a vagina?"

"Yes I do." says the lady.

The man replies, "Good, would you mind telling your husband to leave my wife's alone and start using yours!"
You know those porta potties you see on construction sites?

I never saw such a thing when I worked in the trades.

This hit home. We lost our dog not too long ago, I see his shadow from time to time out of the corner of my eye.

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Don't worry, he's just checking on you. We have some deceased cats that do the same. At first, I thought I was crazy but then our live cats tried playing with them. You're ok.
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